The small droid with a big heart...

BB-MA is named after Emma Askernäs, daughter of droid builder Micke Askernäs. 

When Emma turned three years old, she got three presents: A new bed, a tricycle, and a diagnose of brain cancer. DIPG. The worst kind of cancer which no one has ever beaten. 

Emma loved her droids and touched the hearts of robot builders worldwide under the hashtag #goEmma. Her legacy now lives on in this white and pink droid. BB-MA will visit pediatric hospitals and raise money for Child Cancer Research.



BB-MA was built by German Droid builder Felix Beyer with assistance of Björn Giesler and Brad Oakley. She was gifted to Micke Askernäs on March 9th, 2023, in remembrance of his daughter, Emma.


When she turned three years old, Emma was diagnosed with DIPG, a very aggressive and lethal form of brain cancer. No one has ever been cured from this type. Yet.


Emma received a lot of love from all around the world under the hashtag #goEmma and her journey throughout this ordeal was documented on the site


Emmas father, Micke, who maintains this site and is the custodian of BB-MA, left no stone unturned in the search for a cure for Emma's disease, but after 38 months, the illness took her away from us. The average life-span when diagnosed with this type of cancer is about 5-7 months.


Emma loved to laugh and play and was always happy. She loved her droids and it was only fitting that her legacy will now be continued by BB-MA.



BB-MA builders

Björn Giesler, Felix Beyer and BB-MA
